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How a Little Makeup Can Put Your Newly Whitened Smile on Center Stage

July 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 3:43 pm
Woman smiling and winking on a pink background

No one wants their smile to appear tarnished, stained, or tired. Teeth whitening treatments provided by your dentist will certainly do the trick and lift unwanted discoloration from your appearance. If you’ve been dealing with yellowy teeth for a while, simply having brighter pearly whites might not be enough – you want to make your new teeth pop!

To achieve a center stage smile, you don’t need complicated solutions that involve an exotic list of ingredients. Just a little makeup and strategic color choices! Keep reading for some stellar suggestions.

Color Your Lips to Make Your Teeth Brighter

You want your newly whitened teeth to shine, and starting with their oral neighbor is a good way to ensure they stand out. That means it’s time to find a suitable lipstick shade! Colors to absolutely avoid include yellow- and brown-leaning hues. These pigments will make your teeth appear, well, yellowy and brown.

Rich, cool-leaning colors like royal blue, plum, and true pink won’t steer you wrong. If your skin leans warm, stick to the purple end of your color palette spectrum. If your show-stopping whitening reveal involves something a little more formal, feel free to dip into nudes and neutrals. Pink and white tints will work best!

Don’t Draw Attention Away from Your Smile

Bright, sparkly eyeshadows and eyeliners are fun and flashy, but if you go overboard, onlookers will be drawn to your eyes, not your smile. For maximum focus on your teeth, apply nothing more than your favorite concealer and mascara.

Can’t resist a little color? Who could blame you! Lightly brush softer shades of eyeshadow over your delicate lids and browbone – if it’s more intense than your lipstick, it’s too much. Off-black eyeliner or subtle, alternative colors will do nicely, as long as you keep those wings small and dainty.

Add Some Extra Sparkle

Finally, smart shimmer selections can add some enchanting glamor to your look. Silver-toned lip gloss will help your teeth sparkle, while gentle, color-matched glitter will dazzle your eyes without drowning out your smile. Unfortunately, glitzy golds can also tarnish your pearly whites, so save those for another day.

How to Make Your Dream Smile Last

These makeup suggestions can give your whitened teeth a boost up to center stage. You’ll no doubt feel satisfied when the compliments keep rolling! However, even the most expensive lipsticks and eyeshadows won’t preserve your new brilliance.

For that, you’ll have to take care to brush twice a day, floss once a day, and check in with your dentist every six months for a professional cleaning. Otherwise, stains will settle back into your teeth much quicker. If your smile is in need of a touch up, don’t hesitate to give your dental stylist a call!

About the Author

Dr. Sujal Patel is highly committed to his patients. His kind nature and personalized approach to dental care will have you feeling like you’re at a spa resort! You can count on Dr. Patel to deliver a quality teeth whitening treatment, so you can be proud of your new smile with or without makeup. To contact his office, call 972-818-5649.